Summer Spotlight: Six Lakes State Park
Planning is underway to potentially add another state park in the Town of Hamden. The Six Lakes Park Coalition is leading the effort and seeks public support and input in the process. Here is a recent article from the NHI on their efforts.
From the SLPC website: “Six Lakes is a 102.5-acre parcel in Hamden, Connecticut, featuring mature forests, hiking paths, and six beautiful ponds. Home to deer, waterfowl, birds, fish, and turtles, its diverse habitats include a cattail marsh, a red maple swamp, and a 150-year-old oak-pine forest as well as wetlands that connect to the Regional Water Authority’s Lake Whitney water supply.”
Here is a very quick and easy online petition for residents to let state reps and leaders know of their support for the project.
And here is a link to the community input survey.
August Enrichment Programs for Kids @ HPL
Upcoming Events:
Click on images for more event info and details.
Hamden Food in the News:
Another new restaurant comes to Hamden, this time in collaboration with another recent addition. Woody’s Wings has joined Soul Greedy on State Street. Checkout their menus here.
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